Sunday, 26 June 2011

the guy and his thought

salam 'alaik

diam tak diam, blog KGB da di'view'kan sebanyak 1058 kali sepanjang nak dekat 5 bulan lebih KGB berblogging. heh. it's like, WOW. BIA BETOL. walaupon tak seglemer mane, thanks for those yg sgt setia tgk blog ini setiap hari. i know who u are n the KGB love you! haha.

i have spent my 2 days not-so-vacation with my love one. well. met up with his brother, wearing that 'seluar senteng' that i thought si kawan lelaki is fine with it. then i said, B, ADEK U PAKAI SELUAR SENTENG LAH. he replied, I KNOW. I DAH TEGUR DIA TAPI DIA SELESA MACAM TUH. oh. craps! his brother made my day with laugh everytime he walked in front of us.

somehow, i keep on thinking, how can he really make himself comfortable in such way. i mean, most of the people will feel at least a little bit of uncomfortable feeling when it comes to that matters. yela. bayangkan. kita taw orang memandang n macam mane kite boleyh wat derk je kan. haish.

so, big S pon berfikir secara mendalam without asking him, kenapa dia sgt selesa sedemikian rupa. first reason, he never care about what people think about him. people can talk cause they have mouth. they can judge people cause they got eyes. so, up to them lah! as long itu menutup aurat dia n dia tak kacau org, he's fine with it. kan?

second, even he care about what people say, but he had made up his mind. ia adalah seperti, BILA AKU KATE 1 + 1 = 11, SO I REALLY MEAN IT. people can spit out their opinions, but who cares? n i thought this kind of mind setting, can make people respect him. his opinion. his personalities. kan? quiet cool jugak laki macam nih.

additional info, this guy, super duper genius yg tak bergaul sgt dengan perempuan. he's quiet handsome. pendiam. love to be alone. eh. this type of guy rasenye memang typically have such attitude yg mysterious kan? sape setuju angkat kaki. hehe.

seluar senteng lagik cool dari seluar londeh. ngeri!
oh. sepanjang 2 hari ini, big S sebok bereksperimentasi dengan DSLR si kawan lelaki. not bad lah. but it's really heavy. nak camwhoring, asek shaking je dan memang mematahkan semangat belia 46 big S. haha. apepon, SAYA LEBIH PANDAI AMEK GMBA DARI SI KAWAN LELAKI. hah. perasaan. haha. if the pictah is ready, boleh lah dipertontonkan kepada umum. hehe.
ok. ok. nasihat utk hari ini. advice for today. BUATLAH APE KAU ORANG NAK BUAT. TERTONGGENG. TERBALIK O TERBAIK. MAK BAPAK KITE JGN DILUPAKAN. kunun bchenta bgai nak rak. mak bapak terkontang kanting. apepon tah boleh!

p/s : love me. love me. love me