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Hehe...ini bukti yg menunjukkan saye mmg gadis biase, in fact terlebih biase, blog pon baru 1st tym wat kot...tetibe jer mendapat inspirasi with para gadis yg lain...huhuhu.Ini adalah dari perspektif saye...
Okay, honestly, saye mmg rase life saye sangat biase, xpernah g situ, xpernah wat ini, xpernah makan kat situ, xpernah makan kat pathetic gila uh...baju pon, klu over hundred tuh conperm2 org yg seponser, wakaka! There are so much more that i wanna try, but still, belum sampai waktunye, and tambah2 lagi bile jadik student kat bandar besar camni, lagi lar rase diri ini cam 'small' gile, compare ngan well, hot2 stuff lain.
But still, i know that i'm not alone in this, i know that ramai lagey yg in the same boat, yg menuggu waktu untok make sumthing different, and let us tell our selves, it's okay baby! We'll grow, and we'll change, we'll be great, 5 years from now, who knows rite? Nanti wardrobe kite akan bertukar, make up kite pon, ntah ape2 jename nanti kan, kerete, rumah, fuhh...sume angan2 yg wat kite supaye never give up, usaha and just be ourselves!
Why it's ok to be biase2 ajer? Coz, this kind of life yg ajar kite to be humble, appreciate diri dan orang sekeliling, susah senang same2, menyesal dgn kesalahan kite, and maafkan orang lain...hmm, i'm no angel, saye sgt jaat(huhu), but, being biase wat saye tahu yg i'm not perfect, banyak wat kesalahan, and just smile along with others.
So, para gadis biase yg lain, it's ok to be u! Ala, cam lagu firework katy perry tuh..wakaka! Peace, no war~
p/s : aku xblend rice husk agey nih..adoiyaiii!
Yang paling biase, Anne Fina.
Ganjaran untuk Diri Sendiri.
4 years ago
1 orang mencari identiti:
biasa la sanggat.hahahaaha
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